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Heal your Heart, Purify your Soul, and Connect with the Plant Medicines 

A 7-Day Sacred Journey In the Peruvian rainforest with a guided sacred ceremony to open your Vision, Heart, and Mind to step into your Greatness

 Shamanistic Retreat 


Masterful, magical and mysterious plant full of wisdom


Ayahuasca is a millenarian Amazonian plant, comes from the Quechua word Aya (death or spirit) and Huasca (rope), translated as the rope of death. The Curanderos, Shamans or Ayahuasca Teachers take ayahuasca to communicate with nature and find out what is causing diseases on a spiritual level in their patients.


In the most recent decades, ayahuasca continues to gain the interest of society. Not only academic researchers in the field of psychotherapy have shown interest. Also the Psychonauts, people who use Entheogen Healing Medicines in a responsible and conscientious way, to confront the richness of the mind, the infinity of the universe, and their deepest fears.


Ayahuasca Treatment

The treatments with Ayahuasca consist of a series of knowledge and techniques that aim to awaken the power of inner healing. For this, the person must offer all their will, their patience and their faith in a framework of respect, dedication, and discipline.


The treatments are face-to-face and have a minimum duration of seven days, in which the person must assume the practice of rest, silence, abstinence, fasting and meditation. They are days of retreat dedicated to the healing of the body, mind, spirit, and heart.


The accomplishment of the later treatments, implies diverse rituals of purification, the ingestion of medicinal infusions and the taking of the Ayahuasca. The treatments are directed by the Master Shaman ELADIO MELENDEZ, spiritual healer, possessor of the knowledge of the traditional Amazonian medicine.


The diagnoses will be made by different shamanic techniques, and according to this, the treatment will be adapted to the needs of each person.


The preparation for the treatments will be done in advance in order to ensure that the person is physically and mentally prepared to assume the treatment and diet of Ayahuasca responsibly.


Treatment Activities and diet


Treatments include the following activities:

- Ceremony with Purgative Plants.

- Tobacco cleaning ceremony.

- Ayahuasca Ceremony.

- Isolation and Meditation

- Ingestion of infusions based on medicinal plants.

- Cleansing diets.

- Purification baths with aromatic plants.

- Spiritual healing

- Fasts.

- Personalized talks or sessions.

Treating Addiction

 How Ayahuasca Works 

Ayahuasca poses the challenge to the participant to face a real initiation that allows him to integrate, reorder and metabolize his inner universe, reaching a deep sense of his own life.


If we understand that addiction has in the background an aspiration to spiritual life, to find a deep sense of life, then the therapy that seeks to transform it must take into consideration the spiritual dimension, otherwise, it will not be reaching the core of the problem. Unfortunately, many of the modern therapies are limited to detoxify the physical body and work the spiritual dimension from outside, operating on the mental plane.


Currently, there are various therapies aimed at curing contemporary addictions, we use the "Master and Medicinal Plants" as the basis of their treatment based on the controlled induction of states of consciousness. These master plants have a high vibratory level, producing a catalytic effect, which allows to trigger certain latent processes, which are paralyzed inside the patient. At the same time, the patient experiences an increase in dream production, producing more frequent and intense dreams, sharper and easier to remember.


Our therapy creates in the participant great confidence towards the treatment, which is not denying him the value of his own search, but it raises a totally new perspective of channeled, constructive and enriching experiences, allowing the patient to open up and allow the flowering of the spiritual level. This confidence that the participant can feel in the master shaman, is greatly increased when he feels that he travels by his side, accompanies him in the ceremonial sessions, guiding him from within and exploring together that universe that goes beyond the rational.


Finally, under the therapy treatment with "Teachers and Medicinal Plants," the participant becomes master of his own healing as he discovers by himself where the rupture occurred and finds in his own "Inner Teacher" the path towards a healing evolution. The master shaman remains in the role of companion, protector, and elder brother creating the right conditions to offer the patient a safe space for his evolutionary work and finally his healing.

Yachaywasi Lodge

Yachaywasi Lodge

YACHAYWASI LODGE, which in the Quechua language means "House of Wisdom," is a center for healing and teaching, whose objective is the knowledge of the human being and his or her ways of self-improvement.

Our goal is to enrich the therapeutic techniques with the different millenary medicinal methods used by shaman teachers and healers of the Peruvian Amazon.


Our activities focus on healing according to illness, sessions of personal and spiritual growth as well as teaching workshops, all through the use of various medicinal plants of the Amazon - Ayahuasca, Chacruna, Tobacco, Kamalonga among others.


We focus on the search for mental, physical, emotional and spiritual harmony based on millennial and contemporary knowledge. We offer alternatives that will help you improve your relationship with yourself and with others.


Our experience with Ayahuasca has positively changed the lives of many people. He has cured various forms of depression and addictions. Ayahuasca has shown people the immense beauty of the cosmos and of ourselves, through strong, enchanting, emotional and visualizations. An experience capable of phenomena of such magnitude must be valued and respected for what it is.


This experience with plant medicines opens up the lost path to the soul and its mysteries, it helps us to see us and continues to work in us after months of having had the experience in ceremony, it speaks to us in its magical dimension, without warning makes us understand and liberating, reconciling ourselves with the whole and being part of it, without fear and being attentive so that none of the egos that inhabit us possess us and we achieve with our awakening to be free.


Yachaywasi Lodge is a Center of healing and teaching located in the heart of the Amazon jungle of Peru, far from cities and is led by Chaman Teacher and Spiritual Guide Eladio Garcia Melendez. The center offers ayahuasca ceremonies to share and spread the teachings of our master plants. Likewise, the healing center receives people from all over the world who come to know the medicine of ayahuasca and the way we heal ourselves and learn the wisdom of the ancient peoples of the Peruvian jungle.

Trip Overview

Trip Overview

Sacred Healing Journey


Heal your heart, purify your soul and experience how Pacha Mama works through the plant medicine to show you the answers to the questions you've been seeking so profoundly.

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All Inclusive Trip


Food, Shelter, Medicine, Shaman Experience, Transportation.

Participate in Documentary


 A documentary will be made with you as the cast focused on healing the soul through plant medicine and shamanism. Participants will be filmed through their transformation process. 


$1,495 (AirFare Non-Included)

- Ceremony with Purgative Plants.

- Tobacco cleaning ceremony.

- Ayahuasca Ceremonies.

- Isolation and Meditation

- Ingestion of infusions based on medicinal plants.


- Cleansing diets.

- Purification baths with aromatic plants.

- Spiritual healing

- Fasts.

- Curriculum  Workshops


7-Day Itinerary

 7-Day Itinerary 

Day #1 

Reception in Iquitos

Travel Iquitos - Nauta by land

Nauta trip - Jenaro Herrera waterway

Tour of the Yachaywasi Lodge Center

Tobacco Ceremony

Day #2


The Power of Anchors (Workshop)

Ceremony of Ayahuasca

Day #5

Inner Shaman (Workshop)



Day #6

Day #3

Flowering Bath

Light Warrior Training (Workshop)


Day #4


Shamanism (Workshop)

Ceremony of Ayahuasca


Light Warrior Circle

Ceremony of Ayahuasca

Day #7

Flowering bath 

Final healing

Return to the city of Iquitos

Completion Dinner

Before Trip

Before Trip

(Please Fill out)

All participants must bring:

White clothes, pants, and long sleeves shirts, flashlights, and mosquito repellent.

Ayahuasca helped me to understand that this love; the source of this unspoken connection; this is God to me. It doesn’t matter which term you would choose to describe this… God/Universe/Gaia/Nature – in my opinion, we’re all describing the same inexplicable force that’s much bigger than us as individual beings.

Andy Bayon

Is this what you've been looking for?

  • You are ready to step outside your comfort zone 

  • You want clarity on what your best life looks like and how to manifest it

  • You want answers to important life questions 

  • You have fears that are holding you back

  • You want to learn about plant medicine (like Ayahuasca and San Pedro) and natural healing mechanisms (like Kambo)

  • You are intrigued by the Amazon jungle and Peru

  • You want a spiritual reset week in nature 

  • You want to let go of attachments that no longer serve you

  • You want to explore your own mystic magic


7-Day Retreat


  • Housing

  • Food

  • Bus + Boat

  • Medicine

  • ceremony

  • workshops

  • Preparation Call

  • group call

  • integration call

  • Join Private Community

Early Bird Price
$997 -> $300 Deposit
First 2 to register

Starting at:



7-Day Retreat


  • Housing

  • Food

  • Bus + Boat

  • Medicine

  • ceremony

  • workshops

  • Preparation Call

  • group call

  • integration call

  • Join Private Community

Early Bird Price
$997 -> $300 Deposit
First 2 to register

Starting at:



5-Day Retreat


  • Housing

  • Food

  • Transportation

  • Medicine

  • ceremony

  • workshops

  • Preparation Call

  • group call

  • integration call

  • Join Private Community

Early Bird Price
$710 -> $225 Deposit
first 2 to register

Starting at:


Submit Application

 Submit Application 

Full Payment Due 14 Days Before Retreat Start Date.

Special Promotion:​

Bring a friend and get an additional $100 off per friend

Fill in your Info
Choose your Retreat



Lock in your Price with a $300 non-refundable deposit

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